10/23/16 10:15 D8TLPHjB: I've been loinkog for a post like this forever (and a day)10/23/16 10:14 itBP3Cr6: We need a lot more insgthis like this!10/23/16 10:12 jkmzG8q3o5rI: Heck yeah baye-be keep them coming!10/23/16 10:12 b3mUebzfF: Cheers pal. I do apretciape the writing.10/23/16 10:12 5RXLhMmSzb: I guess finding useful, reliable inoamrotifn on the internet isn't hopeless after all.10/23/16 10:11 2HxcBquEdY: That's an inlitlegent answer to a difficult question xxx