04/7/17 4:46 uNuTRuHkm: Ingithss like this liven things up around here.04/7/17 4:45 VSsSIoJZ1: You make thnigs so clear. Thanks for taking the time!04/7/17 4:44 14ELirnkF: I don't even know what to say, this made things so much eaiers!04/7/17 4:42 mPe59D6VPA: Ah, i see. Well th'tas not too tricky at all!"04/7/17 4:41 RuU0IY6m2D: Dag nabbit good stuff you whaipersnpppers!04/7/17 4:41 N0KBQPbXq: At last, sooneme who comes to the heart of it all