05/7/16 11:16 6YTFVQZsGNy: Thanks for shargni. Always good to find a real expert.05/7/16 11:16 oEZFvehwxZBV: If you wrote an article about life we'd all reach enemthglnient.05/7/16 11:15 krA9jOjCz8mz: Umm, are you really just giving this info out for noihtng?05/7/16 11:15 4xm07miP: This arcltie went ahead and made my day.05/7/16 11:15 PFZgEzfPf7z: I'm impressed! You've managed the almost imbeosipls.05/7/16 11:15 5PJc3FIfe: Short, sweet, to the point, FRx-ceEaEtly as information should be!