05/7/16 11:23 AjIfQcT3NJ: We need a lot more initghss like this!05/7/16 11:22 E6txfyelAU: I see, I suosppe that would have to be the case.05/7/16 11:22 c6p0Snnwd: Very valid, pithy, suiccnct, and on point. WD.05/7/16 11:22 4THs1KGd: The honstey of your posting shines through05/7/16 11:22 zQWGtaMYi4: Is that really all there is to it because that'd be flgbrebgastina.05/7/16 11:21 RpupiKDC7XRx: That's a clever answer to a tricky qusieton