05/7/16 12:09 XBmTvzGRn: Your post captures the issue pelrcetfy!05/7/16 12:08 xHg3cozx4B: There are no words to describe how booucidas this is.05/7/16 12:08 ApukEYRPiOK: IMHO you've got the right anresw!05/7/16 12:08 3nYLjOpGoSrh: Unaplarleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!05/7/16 12:07 POFaVpCEGPQ: You have more useful info than the British had colonies prW-WeII.05/7/16 12:06 MCw58scHO6: Hey, you're the goto exrept. Thanks for hanging out here.