05/7/16 9:15 pUz8r1QI: That insight solves the prmeobl. Thanks!05/7/16 9:15 fbgc9Lmgfn: I found just what I was needed, and it was engiitaenrnt!05/7/16 9:14 HyF1kFcS7X: Suna tare bine prima idee:x cu siguranta am sa o incerc, uh poate pun si o intailatse pe biblioteca mea, asa, ca sa nu stea singurica :))Yeah, un Will de zapada :)) Asta chiar ca ar fi ceva fain!Abia astept sa ajung anul asta la patinoar! Nu am mai fost de vreo doi ani, de cand s-a inchis unicul patinoar din oras. Si cand te gandesti ca e unu din cele mai mari orase din tara, dar nu are un amarat de patinoar :)) Bine ca anu asta s-a rezolvat :)05/7/16 9:11 6wtCxltEwPf: Right onthi-s helped me sort things right out.05/7/16 9:11 R0PkHE6ejLSX: Now I know who the brainy one is, I'll keep loikong for your posts.05/7/16 9:10 Uj5ogiHm: This is both street smart and ineenligtlt.