05/7/16 11:41 TvbeyLmw: Thanks for spending time on the computer (wnitirg) so others don't have to.05/7/16 11:40 MkPFrdZkbg1: Woah nelly, how about them apsple!05/7/16 11:39 DlAGvTKS: We need more instghis like this in this thread.05/7/16 11:39 oQf0u8zzKoRD: That's the best answer by far! Thanks for countibtring.05/7/16 11:39 AU4pRJKYr: Peefcrt shot! Thanks for your post!05/7/16 11:38 rLVhwxmfdAL: Your post has lietfd the level of debate