11/19/15 11:32 4SRoG2JIp790: It's wodrenful to have you on our side, haha!11/19/15 11:30 Hmfd9gef: Glad I've finally found sotnhmieg I agree with!11/19/15 11:27 VzKcHGI5mx: Pecerft answer! That really gets to the heart of it!11/19/15 11:11 T7fNFqrn8Rhr: Of the panoply of website I've pored over this has the most vecyirta.11/19/15 11:09 jocgI1fCC: A minute saved is a minute eaerdn, and this saved hours!11/19/15 11:08 ThbPMpmRH: Your post captures the issue peclfrtey!