04/7/17 6:43 dia68k9jZeGR: You make thigns so clear. Thanks for taking the time!04/7/17 6:43 oIX1phV7R6sg: Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brhetigned my day!04/7/17 6:43 6Ga7WKrD: What I find so innetesritg is you could never find this anywhere else.04/7/17 6:42 HUQgDKx0sMY: That addssrees several of my concerns actually.04/7/17 6:39 A1kf6GqZ: I bow down humbly in the presence of such greantess.04/7/17 6:37 uKm1yPiwo: At last, soenome comes up with the "right" answer!