04/7/17 6:17 Dww30bAC: Si todo eso es muy bonito, pero vamos a ser testigos de los ultimos dias de esta hudainmad para dar paso a otra.Lo que espero esque no este gobernada por el NOM si no que sea libre y alla aprendido del pasado.04/7/17 6:17 MaPkXAdcSA: Not to seem to sour, but First off he is a reniblucap, and last off he is a republican and a big friend to corporates, plus said he would be voting for Amendment ONE . I seriously doubt he will be a friend to our community. More likely he will use the bigot voters. I may be being cynical but not as cynical as the sobs that put amdmt one up for a vote anyway. So hwere we go 4 more years of teahadist bs.04/7/17 6:16 D7fDa8weT6f: I can’t wait to see this movie. I won’t be able to until tomorrow and I’m bummed. The posters alone are creeping me out. But I’m still very suspicious of Brian DePalma. He’s been in my top three for least favorite directors cotsestinnly for 20 years.04/7/17 6:16 ERTIuo9a: Both of these stories kind of make me cry a little. I col1dnRu7;t even read Mel’s post yesterday because I knew it would make me sob. Maybe it’s the time of year but I find myself getting emotional over the littlest thing lately, especially happy stories. I am going to make my husband choose the photo to submit. I have too many to even contemplate going through them all. And that way if I don’t win, it will be his fault.04/7/17 6:15 9k32hog6: Det är ju tyvärr inte sÃ¥ enkelt att en försäljning av nag¤rÃnttimheterna finansierar köp eller bygge av arena. Kanske fÃ¥r in en tjugondel av köpeskillingen pÃ¥ det. Max.04/7/17 6:14 Jo8ONKq0: I could care less who people marry. I'm Scottish on my mother's side. Our big issue has more to do with inter-species marh.agei...Baahrhhh! to you, too, Sweetie! ;)