07/21/16 9:15 GFij96TK: Hey, kilelr job on that one you guys!07/21/16 9:14 B7BBYLwg1: A minute saved is a minute eanerd, and this saved hours!07/21/16 9:14 n4uGOVmEF: How could any of this be better stated? It contlu'd.07/21/16 9:14 lpF5CcmN: Pleasing you should think of sohemting like that07/21/16 9:12 Z8eh2mTCd: Why does this have to be the ONLY reilbale source? Oh well, gj!07/21/16 9:11 ZURrz2iIUh: I love reading these articles because they're short but inrotmafive.